February 12, 2024

Supporting Cleanup Efforts When Flooding Hits: The Power of Suction Hoses and Discharge Hoses for Pumps

Natural disasters like flooding can strike unexpectedly, leaving behind a trail of destruction and devastation. When floodwaters recede, communities face the daunting task of cleanup and restoration. One of the most effective ways to tackle this overwhelming challenge is to utilize suction hoses and discharge hoses for pumps. These essential tools support cleanup efforts, aiding in water removal, debris clearance, and overall recovery.
December 21, 2023

The Importance of Appropriate Safety Precautions with Anhydrous Ammonia Hose

The Importance of Appropriate Safety Precautions with Anhydrous Ammonia Hose Anhydrous ammonia (NH3) is potentially the most dangerous liquid found on the job. Its colorless, corrosive, and dehydrating capabilities make it an imminent threat to […]